March 11, 2021
Sole proprietors and independent contractors: this one’s for you! Remember what I wrote last week? If you are shaking your head no, that’s fine, I get it, everything has been blurry since the corona coaster left the station. Plus I am not exactly penning the latest page turners here! Serious lack of plot line, but you guys, the main characters, are pretty awesome in my opinion.
Anyway, before I go too far off track, last week I told you about the changes to PPP loans that benefit you as independent contractors and sole proprietors, but I also urged you to wait to apply until the SBA was prepared to process your application under the new rules. As of March 5th, they are ready and waiting for your first round or second round application. The second round applies to those of you who received funding last year.
Despite these late changes to the program, and possible increased funding coming if the American Rescue Plan Act passes, the window to apply for a loan still closes on March 31st. I will post reminders towards the end of the month on Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to like my page or follow me.
I will also post when I finish my thrilling sequel which will examine the American Rescue Plan Act and what is in it for small businesses. Guaranteed not to be a best seller, but still well worth a read!
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: 1. The information above does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult your attorney with specific questions. 2. As this situation is constantly changing, we will make every effort to stay current on this topic, however this information is provided as general guidance and may not apply to your situation, nor should it be relied upon exclusively. Please consult and confirm with your attorney if you have questions about these updates or their applicability. 3. In some jurisdictions this communication/website might constitute legal advertising. The choice to hire an attorney who is right for your business should not be made based solely upon advertisements. If you would like to learn more about our firm, please click here to learn about our firm and how to contact us. |
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