The Value of Employees’ Trust

January 19, 2022

Trust. It is key to relationships. And while you might not have given it a lot of thought, that includes our relationships with our employees. With the Great Recession still ongoing, you might think there are more pressing things for small business owners to focus on right now, but I am here to tell you that your employees’ trust is more important than you might think. 

Trust enhances teamwork. It leads to improved efficiency, productivity, and engagement. When your employees trust you, they are more willing to follow your leadership. Trust in you gives your employees psychological safety, which in turn reduces stress and burnout. 

Let’s look at the flip side of that and see what a lack of trust can do.

Employees who don’t have trust in their bosses are less likely to admit mistakes. This can lead to mistakes snowballing, which means you will spend more time on damage control. 

A lack of trust leads to employees unwillingness to make independent decisions because they do not believe you will support their choices. Think about how much time will be wasted in your having to approve every small decision your employees make. 

Employees who do not feel trusted are less likely to offer new ideas and opinions. This leads to decreased teamwork and collaboration, and it might just cost your business some amazing ideas that will help you grow and succeed.

Want to know some ways to foster trust? Watch for my blog next week when I look at that in greater detail. Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter so you know right away when that is posted!

1. The information above does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult your attorney with specific questions.
2. As this situation is constantly changing, we will make every effort to stay current on this topic, however this information is provided as general guidance and may not apply to your situation, nor should it be relied upon exclusively. Please consult and confirm with your attorney if you have questions about these updates or their applicability.  
3. In some jurisdictions this communication/website might constitute legal advertising. The choice to hire an attorney who is right for your business should not be made based solely upon advertisements. If you would like to learn more about our firm, please click here to learn about our firm and how to contact us.

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