Tips for Starting a Small Business

October 5, 2021

If my social media feed is a reflection of the country, then it is safe to say that in 2020 Americans baked a record number of loaves of bread. And according to Google, they also found the recipe to start a record number of small businesses. Economists speculate that when you combine a quart of confinement, a few cups of accessible technology, and a gallon of spare time, it could yield one new small business. (I personally did not get to Costco soon enough to stock up on that last one, I am guessing those people weren’t also balancing a hearty serving of virtual school!). 

Not everyone who combined those three things became an entrepreneur. But if you are thinking about possibly making that leap, don’t just start tossing random ingredients into the bowl. Here is some advice to help you create a blue ribbon business.

First, talk about your idea. Listen to everything everyone says. Read their body language. You might think you have an amazing idea, but let other people weigh in on that. Not only will this help you shape your business into one people will use, it will also help you network and promote your business.

Next, start small. It’s easy to dream big, but it takes time and hard work to get there. (I know, I am missing out on a yeast analogy, totally loafing here.) This gives you time to test your ideas, see what works, without investing all of your time and money.

Finally, know the legal requirements for starting a business. Should you form an LLC? An SC? What other documents do you need to protect yourself and operate legally? If you need a slice of advice, this is my jam. Stop loafing and send me a message! Happy to help!

1. The information above does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult your attorney with specific questions.
2. As this situation is constantly changing, we will make every effort to stay current on this topic, however this information is provided as general guidance and may not apply to your situation, nor should it be relied upon exclusively. Please consult and confirm with your attorney if you have questions about these updates or their applicability.  
3. In some jurisdictions this communication/website might constitute legal advertising. The choice to hire an attorney who is right for your business should not be made based solely upon advertisements. If you would like to learn more about our firm, please click here to learn about our firm and how to contact us.

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